Journey with us from Nest to Nursery and beyond

Established in 2006, we are currently in our 18th year of providing excellence in education for the community here at Kuala Lumpur. With international presence in Singapore, Shanghai, and Jakarta, Julia Gabriel programmes are known for our unique learning methodology developed by our late founder director Julia Gabriel. EduDrama seeks to empower our young learners and even the adults with the confidence to become step out of our shells and work towards becoming self-leaders and confident communicators. Our educators develop students’ language, confidence, expressive communication, creativity and critical thinking – skills we consider vital for children to flourish through our host of enrichment and preschool programmes. Each programme is carefully planned, with clear learning structures and considerable attention paid to creating a positive and enabling environment.
In the Early Learners Week, Embark on a personalised school tour with our school's leaders, including Wendy Loh, the Head of Julia Gabriel Preschool, Shoby, the Head of Julia Gabriel Enrichment Programmes, and Cannie (Ma Laoshi), our Head of Mandarin. Experience our vibrant school culture when you visit us during our standard school hours with running classes to help you understand how we employ the EduDrama methodology to create confident and expressive communicators in class. Discuss your child's learning journey and the enrollment process with our Admissions team, and have your questions answered about our multilingual curriculum by our leaders. Enjoy special privileges when you enroll in our enrichment or preschool programmes exclusively for participants of our Early Learners Week - including an exclusive "Silly Stupendous Spectacular" Mandarin storytelling session led by our Head of Mandarin, Ma Laoshi on Friday, November 15th from 3:15pm - 4:00pm.During the Early Learners Week, enjoy Up to 15% Discount and Full Waiver of Registration Fee worth RM300 for families signing up for Julia Gabriel's enrichment programmes, and Full Waiver off Application Fee worth RM400 for families signing up for Julia Gabriel's preschool programmes.(terms and conditions apply)
Please fill up your details below to sign up for the Early Learners Week.